Hi There!

I’m Peter Schmalzried, Your Friendly Neighborhood Handyman & founder of 501 Reno.

For as long as I can remember, I have always loved fixing things – appliances, furniture, sinks – you name it, I fixed it. After college I began my career in the indoor rock climbing industry. However, it wasn’t until 2016 that my true calling emerged. What started out as side gigs doing handyman work for neighbors turned into what is now 501 Reno. Five years later and 501 Reno is fully operational. Although my love of rock climbing still remains, I blend it with my passion for my faith, family, and independence and enjoy my day to day as a home repair specialist.

The Name

The name “501 Reno” is in reference to May 01, the Feast Day of St. Joseph the Worker. In 1955, Pope Pius XII declared the feast day of St. Joseph the Worker as a response to the communist celebration “May Day,” by elevating the dignity of work from it’s secular components to it’s more dignified spiritual components. The Feast of St Joseph the Worker on 5/1 serves as a reminder of the true dignity and value of work for human beings, and the role of our labor in sanctifying us and in glorifying God with St. Joseph as our model.